More news from the front: Middle aged, over weight Chinese men airing out their bellies -- shirts rolled up neatly to their breasts; old men with bright white, obvious toupes; a troupe of Mongolian throat singers, and the ubiquitious kids peeing on the street. We even discovered a rice porridge for Jen for breakfast (woohoo!).
OK! Another full day wandering around Beijing. Morning around the Forbidden City, then a series of bus rides to Houhai lake. We experimented with various lunch foods for Jen and settled on steamed fresh veggies. Fried duck and dumplings for Jed. Then, the tea ceremony.
Perhaps the cutest tea ceremony hostess. EVER. Explained traditional tea pouring techniques and kept our tea cups filled. Constantly. (Pictures to come)
To top the night off, Xing Wenda, his father, and his father's friend took us out to a banquet at a Chinese food emporium where Jen tried pickled jellyfish for the first time. Delicious!
Love from China!
Where are the belly pics?!?!?
finally figured how to comment! It only took 6 weeks! we are smart here. We love your blogs, keep them coming.Where are you now?the Mom
from Deerfield
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