Follow Mr. E and Ms. Adventure

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Very Dearly Love

Hey All,

Jen's prediction of the amount of time we'd spend on the computer is turning out to be closer to the truth than mine. Oh well! Too busy having a good time!

Any way, we've been scurrying around Bangkok these past few days, and have covered a fair bit of ground. We saw the tourist ant hill of Th. Khao San, wandered around the uber-fashionable downtown Siam Center shopping district, smoked a hukkah in little Arabia -- where, at our first bar, we were turned away because it was men only; "NO LADY!" -- tons of women in full hijabs and MUZZLES! (I wish I had pictures), saw a bit of the riverwalk, and toured the grand palace and jade buddha chapel -- the king's personal prayer area.

Strange that the same city houses a well-populated sex industry and the bustling, and seemingly conservative, little Arabia.... or maybe not.

Any way, we're off to a small Thai village west or east of here -- I forget -- where there's a floating village to check out. Hope my camera battery lasts!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay - so I'm the slow kid on being hip to your blog. I am catching up on your adventures and quite jealous thus far. Hope the next few posts aren't filled with tragedy so I lose all hope in adventure. - Rebekah